Sunday, 30 October 2016

Mini scrapbook project

Still remember that I said I were doing a project?
Jreng jreng....

I was doing this mini scrapbook for jeno


I did this mini scrapbook since last month. But still cannot finish it perfectly.
There is no photo cause I don't have time to print it. :(
Yeahhh..... It's okay.. It doesn't look that bad right?

Saturday, 29 October 2016

2 a.m and cry
I wake up this early only to copy my files from my fd to mobile phone
I'm extremely busy these days 
Feeling like I need 48 hours in a day
But I found out that my fd was not used
I tried it several times. But it ended up the same.
Wth, I'm sad, angry and I want to cry
It's not about that I need to buy the new one but there are so many memories inside
I've collected photos and videos for 5 years but I lose them in the twinkling of an eye

Friday, 28 October 2016

I made it by watching youtube
Is it good?

Freaking true

We are horrible, aren't we?

I feel like my brain is going to burst
Too many things to be worried

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Anton-teddy-ko anto

Today, we were going to kfc
Cause wanna try this πŸ‘‡

According to me,  the taste is cheesy 
The usual kfc is better than the cheese one
I don't know why.  is it because i'm not a cheese lover or what?
Never forget to take selfie
Ignore my messy hair ><

Btw,  my two bodyguards are turning fifteen <3
Happy birthday bro-es
Wish you taller,  smarter,  be a good boy,  healthy as always. 
May your dreams come true
I hope, one day mom and dad will be proud of you 
Having a very blessed birthday ;)

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Spending saturnite with the best people in your life!

K3mart was actually our destination. We got voucher free onigiri from masterpiece. So, we wanna claim it. But, because jeno wanted to bought something, so, first, we went to brastagi supermarket. 

It was about seven o'clock until we finished shopping.
Poor us :(

We arrived at k3mart but onigiri had run out. 

Snow flush

Wanna try?


Hey, we look so happy at this pic


It was raining. :(
We were stuck at k3mart for a while

Meet them coincidentally

Arrived at home at 9 o'clock
Wash up asap
Then,  crept to the bed

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

My dad bought this πŸ‘‡

so delicioussss

Today, japanese teacher was coming from kyoto
She is so beautiful although a little bit fat
Her name is Kayo Uesegi
I'm watching let's fight ghost.

Monday, 17 October 2016


Hi guys.  ..
Yesterday,  i went to oriflame's office
We went there by public transportation. 
The journey is quite long
And it's freaking hot.  Ckckckck

It's also my recognition. 
I am consultan 3% of oriflame now! 
Hope the next will be manager then,  senior manager,  director and finally president of oriflame.  Buddha bless me
It's blur
But she is one of oriflame's sapphire director
With sapphire director of oriflame,  Pak Karya
He is really amazing! 
On the stage with another new consultants
new senior gold director,  Kak Sartika
Such an inspiration
Someday,  i will get the same title as her

Jeno - masyita - me
She is my upline
It was a good experience to go there
The first time i entered the office,  oh my god, it was very aromatic. 
I love it
And there were so many quotes on the wall along the stair
It finished at 5 o'clock
And it was raining :(
Such a big effort to go there

You don't have to be great to start
But you do have to start to be great

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Happy jenjen's day

Happy belated birthday to this πŸ‘‡ girl

Wish her nothing but the best
May god always bless you πŸ’‹

I am going now..  


Bye bye

Thursday, 13 October 2016


Simply take pictures to try b612 new version

My fav effect 

Omgg... Teddy really looks so cute

Focus at anton

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Morning world!
Whoaaa...  It's good when you can look at the sky in the sunny morning,  close your eyes for a while and take the breathe
Keep fighting for the better life
Cause life worth the fight

I'm doing a project.  Will show you later,  kay

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

I know I can't take one more step towards you
Cause all thats waiting is regret
Don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most

I learned to live, half alive
And now you want me one more time

Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting a jar of hearts
Tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Vlogger wanna be


Fall in love with my outfit  πŸ˜

You know what the most annoying thing to do? 
When you should go to school on sunday morning! 
Hari ini ada KMB (Kegiatan Minggu Buddhis) di sekolah gue. 
Jadi hrus pagi" bgn ke sklh...  Ckckckck
Pulang kmb,  jeno ke rmh gue
Kita iseng" mau tes make up krna jeno mau jdi beauty vlogger...  Wkwkwkwk
Gue pengen vlog jga sih...  Tpi bkn beauty vlogger,  gue mau nge-vlog keseharian gue aja

Jeno's make up by me

Jeno gantian make up-in gue

Parahnya kita lupa lepasin roll rambut pas foto

Don't laugh when you've watched it! 

Jeno lgi nntn drama korea sambil nunggu pcrny dtng


There are so many things in life that you should fight for~