Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Sun plaza project

We did a project at sun plaza.
i think they tried to create a running man game
but the system and procedure are not really good. What i mean is confusing.

First, we had to be ready at 12 p.m. 
Then, sir nugroho ( the one who asked us to do the project ) would let us know where was the venue. And we had one hour to arrive at there. 

After we knew the venue at sun plaza, then at 1 p.m sir would send to us the pic phone number and we had to call the pic and meet the pic. This is the hardest part, cause there are hundreds people joined the project and automatically, hundreds people called the pic at the same time.

Gerald - surya - me - hendra - frederick

Well done guys
But we did it!

My last mission
The last mission was arrive home before 5 o' clock and took pic with you family member

Bukber AST

Firstly, we celebrated ci aphing's birthday on 19th may 
Mon jardin's mini cake

Dia duduk smping gue di kantor
Jdiny paling sering gue cerewetin hahahaha
On 31st may 2018

Buka bersama karyawan AST di Aryaduta Hotel
Pas hari kerja biasa, jadi kita dri kantor langsung pgi deh

Sebelum pigi

Complete ast family

Ko hen - me - ci aphing - tephen

Ci lisa - me - ci aphing - angel

P.s. i think i'm gonna do vlog soon. Wdyt?