Sunday, 29 December 2019

Q n A

Let's answer some questions that i got from another blogger. 

1. What is your weirdest obsession?
being a Gramedia worker.  So,  i can read all the books freely

2. What are you wearing today?
White t-shirt and pink trouser

3. What’s for dinner today?
still dunno yet.  My mom doesn't cook for today.  Maybe will order from grabfood

4. Why is today special?
Well, today is just like another sunday that has passed.  But let say today is special because it's my lazy dayy

5. What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn swimming

6. What’s the last thing you bought?
Storage box for exchange gift with my colleagues. 

7. What are you listening to right now?
My nephew's mumbling.  Hahahaha

8. What is your favorite weather?

9. What is your most challenging goal right now?
Finish my paper.

10. What do you think about the person who tagged you?
They respect me (?)

11. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
Sydney please. My favourite city to live in. 

12. What would you like to have in your hands right now?
his hands. XD

13. What would you like to get rid of?
My selfishness

14. if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
You know my answer already.  It's where opera house is. 

15. Which language do you want to learn

16. What do you look for in a friend?
Maturity,  loyal,  humorist

17. Who do you want to meet in person?
Stella Lowis
18. What’s your favorite type of music?
Any. Just make sure it has good lyric

19. What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
I like them all.  That's why i bought them right

20. If you had £100 now what would you spend it on?
Just save it

Saturday, 28 December 2019


Yes,  i did mistake
But i know that everyone is not perfect
You will do mistake for at least once in your lifetime
I'm not trying to say that it's okay to do mistake
Cause i am not okay at all now
But i'm trying for not letting myself down

Good people is around me
I am surround by good people
It's good i have good colleagues
It's good i have an understanding managers
It's good for being me
God loves me and i love him even more
Buddha Bless Me

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Merry christmas

What a christmas vibe.
The street is full of people and the tree is full of light.
I walk down the bridge and stop at one wooden vintage cafe. The little boy whom sells wool gloves in front of the cafe just make me realize that i forgot to bring my gloves. Will need to endure the cold of christmas eve on the way to my home. The bell is ringing right after i enter the cafe.
So, I am here. In the place that full of christmas song. Alone. With the mini cake that i've eaten half. And Around the happy couples.
I see the blonde girl with the spectacles boy.
I see the white dress girl with the boy who is talking to the waiter.
I see the bob hair girl with the giant boy.
And i see a man. Sitting alone at my 2 o'clock sight. Staring at his book which is as thick as dictionary. Quite good looking with his not-so-long hair. Looking tall with his sharp chin. And at the moment when he raises his head from the book, i saw those black eyes staring directly to my eyes. And i feel like the time stops for 5 seconds before i nod my head down. Looking back at my cake, staring at wherever but the man. Rubbing my hands to reduce the cold. Then, continue finishing my cake. And i got myself to look back at the man. He is closing his book, Keeping it in his grey bag, Drinking his last gulp of coffee, standing up, looking (again) exactly in my eyes and smiling. And once again, i swear the time stops.
I hear the bell is ringing when he opens the door. I still can see him from the wide glassed window when he is talking to the boy who sells the wool gloves. I see him paying. And i see him leaving by walk.
Well, my time for going home too. The comfortable bed has been waiting for me. I keep my mobilephone in my bag and walk to the exit. The bell ring again. I can feel my body trembling when the night wind starts blowing. I rub both of my hands together to get a little warm. Right after i want to start walking, the little boy come to me with the red gloves.
"oh no. It's ok. I don't need it" i said to him.
" The tall man that has just outed from this cafe pay me and ask me to give it to the woman with brown coat once she outs from the cafe. And it's you. I can't see anyone with brown coat again." replied the little boy.
Tall man with sharp chin. It's him!
" and he asks me to give this card to you. Merry christmas " continued the little boy.
He is going back to his stand after i get the card.
I open the card
Merry christmas. This gloves will warm you.
I'm Dave. Will surely ask your name when we meet again. Anw, i'll come back here on sunday 7p.m :)

Well, well, well,
Should i come here too on sunday 7p.m?
Anw,  merry christmas guys.
And by the way, the story is just a fiction.  Hahahaha.  Always feel a little bit romantic in christmas. Don't you feel so?

Friday, 20 December 2019


Kita dapat project kampus buat kunjungin panti sebagai nilai final test kita. 
So,  here we are
Kita ke Panti Asuhan Kemang Kasih ( Yakkindo )
Well,  my first time ke panti.


Acara main games

Gerald and I serve as the game master.
Ini kelompok anak" yg menang game


Santa Claus is coming to town! 
Anak" seneng banget.  Really.  I can see their joy.  Dan menurut gue mereka tu talented sih.  Ada yang bisa main gitar and they sang a song for us. One more thing to add,  mereka kompak banget sih.

Btw,  Santa Claus teman sekelas gue Jody

James bond A.K.A Chandra
Dress codenya merah or hijau.  Banyak banget yang milih pake merah.  But turn out kita berlima kwek kwek bisa kompak pake hijau tanpa janjian.

Menang lucky draw dong gue.
Thanks myself for being so lucky

They look so cutee
See you kids!
Be a good children kay
Acara selesai sekitar jam 2an sih.  
Dari sini,  gue sama teman" lanjut ke podomoro.  Mall baru di medan yg baru buka.  Rame banget gilaa.. 
Arrive home at eight. 

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Kungkung and Darren


9th November 2019

Today's OOTD

Today, we're goint to Batu caves.
Jadi pertama kita harus ke stasiun dulu.
Dari hotel ke stasiun kita naik grab sekitar 10 menit.
Trus, sampe stasiun beli tiket utk naik kereta bawah tanah menuju batu caves

Jadwal kereta kita sekitar jam 10.30
Sampai di sana lanjut jalan kaki sesuai petunjuknya aja buat ke batu caves

Ini muka capek setelah jalan smpe setengah

Di batu caves sekitar 2 jam aja.. 
Puanes banget soalnya
Cuma pas ud naik tangga smpe ketemu goanya
Di dalam goa trnyata ad turun air kek hujan gitu
Alhasil kita gk jdi masuk smpe dlm"

Dari batu caves ke central market naik grab

Dari central market ke petaling street sebenarnya dekat aja. Jalan kaki juga sampe. Cuma petaling di siang hari gk gitu rame. Jdi kita gk jdi mampir. Langsung pulang naik grab.

Sampe hotel sekitar jam 2.
Istirahat sebentar. Trus gue sama mama balik lgi ke sungei wang buat belanja. Hahahaha
Daribsemua mall yang paling enak buat beli" brng sih di sana. Gue cek google ternyata sungei wang memang pusat fashionny di Kuala lumpur.
Cci gue gak ikut karna lagi dapet. Males jalan katanya.
Jalan sampe jam 7 sekalian beli makan malam buat pulang ke hotel makan.

After we have our dinner, sekitar jam 8.30 kita lanjut jalan kaki ke KLCC parknya lagi. Karna gue pengen banget liat symphony lake shownya.

10th November 2019 

Mom asked me to take her pic
Pagi ini gk ad rencana apa" lagi sih 
Karna semua tmpt yg pengen gue kunjungi ud di kunjungi ( minus masuk aquaria dan KL Tower, karna cci gue gk mau ke sana )
Tpi kmrn malam , rekan kerja gue yg dj musim mas bru landing di sini juga. Jdinya hari ini ad rencana meet up sama mereka buat lunch.

Waiting for them
Chilvanni, Ellen and me

Yep, kita have lunch di aori Ramen (lagi)
But i try another flavour of the famous aori ramen.
Cci sama mama gue balek lgi ke sungei wang pas gur mkan siang sama mreka. Hahaha

Sekitar jam 2 gitu, gue balik ke hotel.
Mama dan cici gue ud balek duluan ternyata.
Trus kita packing.
Karna besok pagi" kita ud hrus ke bandara
Selesai packing n take a rest,
Kita lanjut ke berjaya times square
Jalan kaki dari hotel karna deket aja kok

Pas mau keluar hotel, kita sempetin naik ke lantai 30, karna di sana ad tmpt gym sama swimming pool.
And the view is so so amazing. Kalo gue pande berenang, i'm sure will spend around 3 hours at here.

Dari berjaya times square, kita lanjut jalan kaki ke alor street buat makan malam.

Sebelum masuk ke hotel, gue sempetin naik ke lantai 30 lagi buat liat night viewnya. And it is as amazing as the day view.

Besokny bangun sekitar jam 4.30. Kita ud harus otw ke bandara jam 6 buat ngejear flight yg jam 9 pagi.

Window seat ( again )