Sunday, 31 May 2020

I want you to know

I want you to know that people no need to know how good our relationship is. Not all pictures should be posted in social media. I will keep it in the album to let our children see one day. ( Not everybody feel happy with you. Sometimes, they ruin the happiness )
I want to hear about the guy you met in the street, how do you do at workplace, and how bad the traffic is. I want to hear about your day. And i will tell you how was my day too. I will tell you everytime i hang out with my guy friends. Not because you get jealous easily but because we know that we should treasure this relationship.
I want you to let me know when you're sick. So i can take care of you. I want to hear about your ex and your childhood friends.  I want those " i love you" words. I want to hear that cute silly nickname when i get mad of you.
I will tell you that i like it everytime you hold my hands, i like that you embrace my shoulder and i like it when you caress my head. One more, i am happy everytime you compliment me.
I don't dare to dream of you proposing me in Paris, in front of the stranger, with 20 carat diamond ring. But i want you to come to my house, talk to my parents, surprise me in any place (even in your kitchen) and kneel down saying "Will you marry me?". It's enough for me.
I want the pillow talk, the cuddling on sunday morning, and the goodnight kiss. I want the smell of you.
I tell you everything that i want, so tell me everything that you want, then there will be no misunderstanding. Maybe we are not always in the stable situation. But for i will always be there on your rainy sunday morning. I will also be there on your depressing monday night. Gonna hug you and say everything is ok. We gonna go through this and i love you. ~

Well, am writing this at midnight. 12 o'clock has passed. Xingderella gonna go back to her routine and wait for the day when the prince come.