Saturday, 20 June 2020


well, just want to write something to capture the moment.

Today, 20th June 2020 i finally done my diploma degree.  Actually, my GTE day is on 16th May 2020. But due to the condition regarding covid 19, it has to be postponed.
And today is the day.
The examiners are Sir Arwin and Miss Weny Leo.

Teman" seperjuangan hari ini 💪💪💪

Yes, we are doing online GTE.
Well, just like what Stephen Hawking said "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change" just like us now, due to covid19, we are adapting to the new situation of GTE. This is also new to the examiner and all the team. But there are only two ways, whether you give in or you adapt to change so you'll be succeeded. 

That is what my favourite lecturer said. Can you guess who he is? Wkwkwkwk