Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Darren 2nd Birthday & Sierra 1st Birthday !


Australia always has a special place in my heart.
27th June 2021

To the awasome nephew who came to our family bringing us so much joy for the past two years, Happy Birthday! - 27.06.19 -
To the beautiful niece who came to our family bringing us so much happiness for the past twelve months, Happy Birthday! - 25.06.20 -

Family. Not full squad but still grateful that we are healthy

So, just had a simple family lunch to celebrate these two duo cilik birthday. Celebrate it at Rasa Seafood, Cemara. It's kind like our family favourite place to have a lunch or dinner. Dulu, when i was in primary school, setiap sabtu kita bakalan had our dinner di Marco, Cemara. Banyak kenangan indah yang masih tersimpan walaupun hanya simple dinner on saturday night. and I'm so grateful, now, we still can have that routine although not as often as past. sekarang kita banyakan di Rasa Seafood. FYI, Rasa Seafood and Marco is actually the same one. Kakak beradik yang buka. and of course we always got a special discount at both Marco or Rasa :P The owners are my parent's old friend.

Me with duo cilik

sister's little family

Darren & Sierra with Phopho and Kungkung

so cute, isn't it? 
custom cake @Jiji.bake

Them with their bithday cake

My nephew and niece have thought me a lot of things. I'm so grateful for them. Ada hari dimana i was so stressful with my work, but came home to them just simply rising up my mood. Ada hari dimana i was so anxiety and worrying about something, but just heard Darren calling me Xiao Yi and looked at him doing cutie things, never fail to make me laugh and lighten my burden. These two cutie pie yang buat mama and papa feel to be young parent again. Thank you for coming to our family my dearest nephew and niece. i love you both so muchhhhhh. 

Monday, 28 June 2021

Official Elika, S. E.

26th June 2021

Morning selfie 
Jadi, setelah ketunda seminggu akhirnya jadi sidang juga.

Teman-teman seperjuangan

Anw, I got A. So thankful. Actually i didn't prepare really well in this green table examination because academic just let me know on friday 3 PM that i was going to have GTE for tomorrow. But the result still very good. I'm grateful. Thank you. 

A little pictures to share of things that happened in my life

Darren is so happy jiu jiu lifted him

I feel like young mommy hahaha

Came to my bedroom and waken me up

C'mon hug me bro

My mom's birthday
My sister is just so creative doing the gift box :p

Messy house, but nothing can stop us of taking a pic *wink*

One fine sunday at baked laurance

With this two old friends



Saturday, 26 June 2021


We live happily now. To the fullest. Don't even bother of what she's done and how she treated us back then. She did such a horrible thing. But what matter the most is we are all good now. Eventually it's a past. But appearantly, karma has no deadline. Mr. Karma come to her family now. I'm not sure that is as hurt as we felt, but i'm okay. 

I'm not such a good human being. To be honest, I take a little pleasure.

Someone said 

Nothing's wrong being good to other. In fact, now i've seen being good to others mean being good to yourself. Karma does exist. What goes around, comes back around.

Well, couldn't be more agreeable than this.

Saturday, 12 June 2021


I know this kind of things can happen

Tapi ketika melihat bukti nyata orang yang mengalaminya, i am still amazed.

Foto di bagian kiri adalah orang" di masa kini. Kiri atas ada Adam Shulman dan kiri bawah adalah istrinya Anne Hathaway.

Foto di bagian kanan atas adalah William Shakespeare dan kanan bawah adalah istri William yg bernama Anne Hathaway.

Do you think that Adam Shulman look like William Shakespeare? I thought yes. And both their wife has the same name pada zamannya masing", i thought it's a sign.

Dan yang lebih membuat gue yakin kalo pasangan Adam Shulman dan Anne Hathway adalah reinkarnasi dari William and Anne adalah William shakespeare adalah pujangga pada zamannya dan dia pernah menulis ini buat istrinya...

 "Life is too short to love you in one. I promise to look for you in the next life"

"Hidup terlalu singkat untuk hanya mencintaimu pada satu kehidupan. Saya berjanji akan mencarimu pada kehidupan yang selanjutnya lagi"

A promise of forever ❤