Sunday, 29 January 2017

Once upon a time

I am novel addicted. Especially the romance one.

Gue ketawa wktu baca quote itu. Perfect boys only exist in books.
Sebenarnya perfect atau gk nya seseorang itu relatif. Tergantung gimana pandangan masing" orng.
But,,, Emang benar sih,  setiap pemeran utama cwo di buku itu selalu terlihat sempurna di imajinasi gue. And everytime i read,  i feel like i am dating with the main actor. Salah satu alasan kenapa gue suka baca novel.

Novel itu gk jauh beda sama kehidupan. Setiap lembaran itu bagaikan setiap hari yang kita lewati.
Tapi tidak peduli berapa ratus lembaran  yang ud gue lewati...
Gue blm rasain apa yang selalu gue rasain wktu baca novel

Pemeran utama emang gk mesti selalu muncul di awal lembaran novel
Tapi dunia juga tidak seluas yang kita kira
Gue yakin, gue pasti pernah bertemu dengan dia
Tidak peduli itu sengaja atau gk sengaja
Mungkin saja gue.dan dia pernah berpapasan
Sehingga pada akhirnya pemeran utama itu selalu muncul di awal
Hanya saja gue gk sadar

Atau mungkin ratusan halaman yang sudah gue lewati hanyalah bagian prolog 
Gue belum masuk ke bagian inti cerita
Sbnrny gue ud gk sabar
But i know, segala sesuatu ad wktunya
Gue bakalan rasain hal yang gue pengen rasain di waktu yg tepat

Setiap cerita selalu punya akhir yang bahagia. Kalau kamu tidak bahagia, berarti itu bukanlah akhir dari ceritamu. 
Kebanyakan dari novel yang gue baca emang selalu happy ending
Walaupun begitu, bukan berarti tidak ad yg sad ending

Mungkin quote yang ini lebih cocok

~ Wish for my happy ending ~

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Happy chinese new year πŸŽ‰

Sister's boyfie- sister
Mom - sis - me
Happy chinese new year guysss
Another year older
Yesterday,  we ate shabu" a.k.a sang wo to celebrate sacapmehh

Nom nom

Mom - titi - me
Today's outfit
All in red

On the way... 

Do we look alike? 

Brother for life!
Omg...  I look pretty fat ><

Mom and dad
It's so difficult to ask my dad to take a pic... Huh

I go to my ipo's house,  then my uncle and my grandfather. 
Arrived around two o' clock. 
Then,  my auntie came to my house also my cousin and blablablaa.... 
End of chinese new year day 1

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Today is the last day for try out
Yeay.... No more test,  no more stress!
By the way,  jeno and jean are going to go to panipahan n Leidong tomorrow.
Safe trip kay ;)

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

High school life

Kali ini gue bakalan ceritain hal" yg gk akan prnh gue lupain semasa gue sklh ... No matter it was bad or good

1. Jatuh dari kursi
     This is the worst part of my school life. Jdi, ceritanya guru pkn gue tu tny siapa ketua BPUPKI? Krna gue tau, jdi gue tunjuk tgn n di sruh maju ke dpn buat tulisin namanya. Nah, pas mau keluar dan maju ke depan gue malah kesandung kursi... Kedebukkkk.... Awww, bkn mslh skitny sih.... Tapi malunya itu lohhh... Gk tahan bgttt.. I better dig a hole and hide there.... Omg... (Itu gue alami wktu kls 2 smp)

2. Cabut dri kelas
     Okay. I want to clarify this thing. Yes, i'm not a perfect student but i am also not as bad as you think. Gk selamany murid yg cabut dri kls tu bandel dan jadi langganan guru bp. That is totally wrong. Gue malahan sama sekali gk pernah berurusan dgn guru bp dan gk prnh msuk bp. Gue prnh cabut itu pun cuma sekali. Gue lupa wktu pljrn apa. Yg pnting itu pljrnny psti ngebosenin bgt dan emang guruny gmpang di boongin jga... Hahahha... Jdi gue cabut ke perpus nntn anak inla lgi latihan. I know this is a big mistake. Tapi gk ada salahnya sesekali ngelanggar aturan di masa masa sma lo kan..

3. Boys around me
     Bus gue yg dulu tu setiap hri sabtu selalu telat dtng. Jdi gue mesti nunggu 15menit gitu. Pas bgt wktu itu pljrn terakhir hri sabtu itu penjas. jdi biasany kalo lonceng itu kita lngsung jln ke bus dri lapangan. Nahh, masalahnya kan bus gue selalu telat. Nyebelin bgt sih... Tpi gue gk sndrian. Tmn" gue yg cwo (dandy,stewen,teddy,anton) kan naik kereta. Jdi mreka tu nemenin gue dulu smpe bus gue dtng bru plng. Yeah... I'm very grateful to have them. Mungkin gue bakalan berdiri kek orng bego kalo gk ada kalian. So, thank you buddies.

4. Me vs vice principal
    Setelah gue pikir", yg ini horor bgt sumpah... Gue ngelawan wakepsek. So, wakepsek di sklh gue itu ngajar b.indo. One day, dia msuk dan tetapin peraturan baru. Semua siswa harus duduk tegak. Katanya yg bersandar di dinding atau bertumpu di lengan denda 2ribu. Jdi dia blng gue bertumpu di lengan gue padahal gue cuma gosok bwh telinga gue krna gatal. Jdi gue di sruh byr. Tpi gue gk mau bayar. Ya iyalah... Gue kan gk slh kenapa gue hrus bayar. Kalo gue bayar kan berarti gue ngaku kalo gue salh.. Enak aja... Jdi gue tetap gk mau byr... Pas banget gue lagi pms... Ud duduk gk nyaman, bawaanny kan emang pengen mrh, pas banget dia cri masalah. Pokokny gue tetap gk mau byr smpe akhirnya wakepsekny ngalah dan lnjutin ngajarny... Besok"ny kalo gue keingat kejadian ini... Rada" terkejut jga sih... Gila... Gue ngelawan wakepsek yg galakny minta ampun... Ckckck.... Untung aja gue selamat.. Hahaha

5. Muntah pas upacara
    Ini kejadiannya wktu gue kls 6 SD. Jdi kita upacara utk rayain hari kemerdekaan indonesia. upacaranya di lapangan SMA gabung sama kakak kelas. Khusus yg utk SD kita di ajarin nyanyi lagu jga ad gerakanny. Gue lupa lagu apa tpi kekny hari kemerdekaan deh. Merasa bangga banget sbnrny krna itu persembahan dri anak SD aja... Jdi kakak kelas smuany tepuk tgn buat kita pas ud siap nyanyi. Sialny.. Gue pusing karna gk tahan berdiri terlalu lama. .. Jdi yah muntah deh... Huh...

6. Happy teacher's day song
     3 tahun SMA di wahidin . Kita gk pernah pindah ke kls lain.  Mksudnya sekali ips1 tetap ud ips1 jdi gk pernah di pindahin ke ips 2 atau 3. Jadi teman sekelas kita jga tetap sama selama 3 tahun ni.  Ini tradisi kls kita dri tahun prtama SMA.  So,  tiap thn wktu teacher's day kita bakalan nyanyiin lagu buat setiap guru yang msuk ke kls kita pada hari tu.  Lirik lagunya ini nih " selamat hari guru.  Kami ucapkan...." Sambungan lirik dan nadany sama kek lagu selamat ulang tahun..  Cuma nnti pas potong kuenya..  Kita gnti jdi potong gurunya...  Hahahhaha...  Ujung"ny guru" bakalan ketawa liat ulah kita.  Bahkan guru killer sekalipun.  Gokil bangett...  Thn lalu thn terakhir nyanyiin lagu itu...  :(

7. A simple thanks
     Wktu ujian semester 1 yg bru lwt ini,  jdi tmn gue dandy,  diam" pindah tmpt duduk di dpn gue biar bisa...  Yah kalian tau la...  Gue sih gk masalah kalo misalnya jwban gue di liat dia...  Cuma yg gue mslhin , kadang gue gk ikhlas bgt kalo jwban gue di bagi" sama dia ke tmn yg lain....  Ya iyalahh,  secara gue bljr capek" yg lain tinggal dpt...  Kalo dia ksih tau ke tmn yg emang dkt sama gue sih gpp..  Tpi gue gk suka kalo dia ksih ke tmn yg gk gitu dkt sama gue atau yg kurang gue suka...  Gue emang egois jdi yah maklumi aja.. Tpi hri itu ntah ujian apa gue lupa...  Pas ud siap ujian...  Kan dandy blng makasih sama gue,  hbis tu dia blng ke tmn" sekelas " blng makasih kelen...  Jwbanny dri elika"... Jdi mreka kompakan lngsung blng " kamsia xing" (tmn sekelas gue kebanyakan panggil chinese name gue). It is a simple thanks.  Tpi gue senang karna merasa di hargai gitu deh...  Jdi yg awalnya gondokan gitu gara" jwban gue di sebar jdi plongg deh...  Hehehehe

Sbnrnya msih ada sih hal" yg gk bakal gue lupain.. Cuma itu aja dulu deh.. Nntu klo rajin gue buat part two nya...hahahah

Monday, 23 January 2017

Sat & sun

Hello guys
It's almost chinese new year

I baked 3 pastries these two days
they are kue salju, cookies( kue mentega(?)) n pineapple tart

The recipes

Before baked

Pineapple tart..
My dad said i did a good job :>

Kue salju
I don't really like it

I like this the most

Btw, my student is.birthday today

My face looks so pale

Thursday, 19 January 2017

I'm having my try out at school
Try out thn ini beda sama yg sebelumnya nih...
Thn ini kita pake komputer karna persiapan jga buat UNBK ( ujian nasional berbasis komputer )
Gaya banget yah... Pake komputer segala... Lol
Kebetulan sekolah gue terpilih buat UNBK
Ada sisi positif n negatifnya jga sih...
Tapi kalo boleh pilih, gue tetap mau pake tertulis aja...
Wish me luck yahh.. Semoga ujian gue lancar
Semoga ujian kalian kga lancar ya buat yg thn ini UN

Monday, 16 January 2017

Thanks for the treat

I woke up this morning
Then, clean my bedroom
It's sunday. So, i need to change my sheet and pillowcase also wash my blanket.

I have appointment at 10am
Wie" wanna treat us(me,Jeno and teddy) at fortunate coffee
It is at centre point mall.
Luckily i finished my housework around 09.15
And then take a bath and get ready

We wanted to go there by public transportation.
But why there were only a few public transportations on sunday ><
Only two public transportations with our destination passed by and  they were full
We have waited for about half an hour. ( but i think i have stood for one hour.hahahaha)

So, we changed our destination. We went to Suzuya. Wie" treated us at fountain.
By the way, there is new cinema XXI at suzuya. So, we went there and watched railroad tigers. He also paid for this. I think it was too much. Yeah... But thank you

Look at them...  Hahah 



It's not the end of my day
I arrived at 3 or 4 pm
Then,  get ready for the second treat
Jean's chinese birthday
She celebrated her birthday at master chef,  cemara asri
We ( me, jeno, jenjen, teddy, anton, henhen) rented car to go there 


Jean and her boyfie
Longlast yaa

Thanks for the treat jean! 

Having them is a blessed !

Take a photo before go home

Life at night.. 

Yeah..  It's the end of my day
HHahahha...  But not the end of my life
So, stay here okay
I will keep sharing my day although it's boring day..  Wkwkwk

P.s.  i get cough.  Hikss... The cough makes me feel tired -_-

Thursday, 12 January 2017


I am now is not i was years ago
Everything has changed .
Myself, my character, my mind and my heart....
Although there was a moment when i got you in my mind
But deep down inside,  i want you fade away
Fade awayyyy
Don't ask me why cause i also don't know what the reason is
But let god settle this problem
Let's see what will happen in the future...
Buddha bless me :)

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Something goes wrong
Don't know what or why
But i know something goes wrong

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Birthday guy

Parents gathering invitation! :)
It was sent by presuniv
I look forward to attend...
Me- sister -ethan
He was so cute and smart
Omg...  I like smart guy


Birthday guy  ;)
Happy birthday Wiewie
Just realize i have only a few good pictures of ourselves
Maybe we should often take pic together...  Hahahha
By the way,  wish you a very joyful birthday
May your birthday be filled with every happy hours
Be a success man then,  i'll be a proud friend
Although high school is gonna end soon,  doesn't mean it was the end of our friendship
One thing that i want to tell you is I treasure our friendship. 
God bless you buddy πŸ˜‰

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

New year!!!!!

Happy new year guys
I put a lot of hopes in this year
Yeah....yeah... Yeahh...

To my family 
All of you mean a lot for me. Always be there to support me no matter in what situation i am. There is no a single regret in myself to be born in this family. Although sometimes we argue, we fight , we're mad to each other, we cry together, but in the end, the love is always there

To my bestie and my friends
You make me laugh, raise up my mood, support me , and you do believe in my dreams. Give me strength to face the world. Thank you for being my friends. Love you all.

To people who judge and laugh at us
Hey. You... Hmhmhm... Just wanna say time flies and it changes everything. Don't be too arrogant cause things in your life are not yours. They are god's okay... And you don't have the right to judge or tease us! Mind yourself! Are you capable to stay in this world with that haughty face ? Crappppz


Sunday, 1 January 2017

New year's eve

New year's eve!
Yeah, 2016 is going to end on twelve o'clock
Fireworks celebrate it with us

Many things happened before
There are ups and downs
Yeah, that is how life works, isn't it?
But cmon, there is a new beginning after the short pointer of the clock touches number twelve
Like everyone said  ' rainbow comes after the rain '
I do believe there's a happy ending for all of us
So, keep fighting! *wink*

By the way, have you made resolution for 2017?
I have, you should also have it kay.
I have accomplished half of my 2016's resolution
Quite good although only half...wkwkwk

I have a little bbq party with my neighbours