Thursday, 6 September 2018

WHO AM I ? ( PART 2 )

i'm back with the fact of myself!

9. gue buta jalan. entah kenapa gue gak bisa hafal jalanan. mungkin karna gue gak pernah benar-benar perhatiin jalanan kali yah. sampai sekarang arah jalan dari rumah gue ke cendana pun gue belum hafal. padahal gue kuliah udah hampir setahun wkwkwk.

10.gue suka baca blog gue sendiri. wkwkwk jadi kalo gak ad kerjaan gue baca ulang.

11. teman cwo gue lebih bnyk dari pada tmn cwe. Mungkin karna cwo lebih easy going.

12. Gue pengen naik bianglala or komedi putar or ferris wheel whatever it called pokokny yang putar" deh. Don't know why but i really wish to be in one of the compartment. Maybe with my ❤ one day.
Just so sad that i couldn't make it when i was in asiatique.

13. gue pengen punya 4 anak.setiap kali gue bilang pengen punya 4 anak, orng" bakalan bilang " what? are you sure ?" i don't know what's wrong for having 4 children in the future.
you know, i come from a big family. papa gue ank ke 5 dari 7 saudara dan mama gue anak ke 3 dari 4 saudara. and i have about 20/30 cousins. can you imagine how big my family? i love big family and i'm looking forward to have my own big family.

14. first sight is very important menurut gue. same as first impression. gue merasa if i don't like that person at first sight, then, i will never be his/her friend for the rest of my life. not because i cannot, but i don't want.
sama juga ketika gue fall in love. if he attracted my attention at first, then, it's possible for me to love him.but who knows the mystery about love. maybe the boy that i hate the most could turn into my other half? who knows that? karna ada orng yang bilang hanya ada garis tipis yang memisahkan perasaan benci dan cinta. hahaha

15. I'm a kind of career girl. but to be honest, kalo gue boleh milih , kalo keadaan memungkinkan gue utk jadi ibu rumah tangga aja di rumah, ( which mean suami gue mampu ngehidupin keluarga kita dan tetap ada uang belanja buat gue wkwkwk )  i would love that. gue gak keberatan buat beres" rumah. even i've said to myself, kalo misalny gue nikah nnti gue gak mau ada pembantu because i want to arrange everything in my house by my own self. gue juga gak keberatan di sruh ngurus anak sndri tanpa babysitter. and i would love to wait my husband from coming home after work and cook for him.

16. i think i'm independent. gue bakalan lakuin hal yang bisa gue lakuin sndri tanpa ganggu orang lain. i just think kalau orng lain bisa berarti gue juga pasti bisa.

gak tau lgi mau nulis apa, if there is something that you want to ask me about myself or anything, just simply comment below or send me an email :)


  1. banyak anak tr susah bagi harta ��

    1. hahaha... anak w sukses usaha sndri pny mulai dari nol. gak usah bagi" hrta. wkwkwk

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